From cupcakes to conference rooms, souffles to soccer games, one mom's mission to control the chaos...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday Romance

Lets face it, whether you're married or dating, you risk the chance of becoming "stuck in a rut." A phrase I never really understood. What is a rut anyway? Just say you're bored of doing the same ol' thing! Sheesh! ;)

I came across this blog through another and thought it was just way too cute not to share. Jonny, the BF, and I are always trying to think of fun new things to do together and I'm thinking about making this for us!

These girls know what's up! Their blog also lists 36 ideas for activities that are really original. My personal favorite...

3. Walk to a local bakery or cupcake shop. There is something about walking to a bakery with someone you care about…maybe because I am obsessed with food? If you do not live next to a bakery then surprise your sweetheart by parking a few blocks away and packing a back pack with a blanket, games, fun drinks... If you go to a cupcake shop make sure you get a few varieties and share them.

Well Jonny, I have a project for us to do! <3

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